Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This time of year we get so caught up in the secular presentations of Christmas with Frosty and Santa and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, we often even in our songs forget the true focus of Christmas.
In searching the internet I found a wonderful re-write of Santa Clause is coming to town. I sang it for my children during the children's sermon this past Sunday.  I hope you enjoy it.

Wipe away your tears, get rid of your fears;
Here's the best news you've heard in years!
Jesus Christ is coming to town.

He's making a list in the Book of Life,
That'll be the end of your trouble and strife!
Jesus Christ is coming to town.

He loves you when you're sleeping,
He loves you when you're awake;
He loves you if you've been bad or good,
But be good for Jesus' sake!

Now put on a smile, get rid of that frown,
Spread the "Good News" all around;
Jesus Christ is coming to town!

I love best of all my children realizing that Jesus loves them if they've been bad or good!
Blessed Third week of Advent.   Katie

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