Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This time of year we get so caught up in the secular presentations of Christmas with Frosty and Santa and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, we often even in our songs forget the true focus of Christmas.
In searching the internet I found a wonderful re-write of Santa Clause is coming to town. I sang it for my children during the children's sermon this past Sunday.  I hope you enjoy it.

Wipe away your tears, get rid of your fears;
Here's the best news you've heard in years!
Jesus Christ is coming to town.

He's making a list in the Book of Life,
That'll be the end of your trouble and strife!
Jesus Christ is coming to town.

He loves you when you're sleeping,
He loves you when you're awake;
He loves you if you've been bad or good,
But be good for Jesus' sake!

Now put on a smile, get rid of that frown,
Spread the "Good News" all around;
Jesus Christ is coming to town!

I love best of all my children realizing that Jesus loves them if they've been bad or good!
Blessed Third week of Advent.   Katie

Monday, December 9, 2013

Children's Sermon giving them each a large Jesus stocking to hang

The Empty Stocking is from the movie "The Bishop's Wife" which is an old black and white classic movie. Within the movie is a sermon written by the Angel Dudley for the Bishop to preach on Christmas Eve.  It is one of my favorite movies and sermons.

Tonight I want to tell you the story of the empty stocking.
Once upon a time on a midnight clear there was a Child's cry,
a blazing star hung over a stable and
wise men came with birthday gifts.
We haven't forgotten that night down through the centuries,
We celebrate it with stars hung on the Christmas tree
and the cry of bells and with gifts.
Especially with gifts.
We buy them and wrap them and put them under the tree.
You give me a tie; I give you a book,
Cousin Mary always wanted an orange squeezer
and Uncle Harry could use a new pipe.
Oh we forget no one, adult or child.
All the stockings are full - all this is, but one.
We have even forgotten to hang it up. 
A stocking for the Christ child born in the manger.
It's his birthday we are celebrating - let's not forget that,
Let us ask ourselves what He would with for most,
then let each of us put in our share:
Loving kindness, Warm hearts, a Forgiving Spirit,
a Generous Life - all the shining gifts which make up
God's Peace on Earth.

Then I ask the children to take their Jesus stocking home and hang it with the other.
I ask them to put something in it to represent their gift this year to Jesus. Maybe a heart
or a picture of themselves. Something they want to give baby Jesus.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Christmas Room for children's sermon

Last week as I was listening to the classic Christmas station I came across an old song that was perfect for my children's sermon. Jimmy Dean sang "My Christmas Room" long ago, and I think it captures in a way even children can understand what the Advent season's work is all about. Here are the words:
If I owned a great big house, I'd have a Christmas room.
When things about me all went wrong, I'd find Christmas still in bloom.
There would be a great big tree with evergreen perfume,
Its branches bright with memories safe inside my Christmas room.
In summertime when tempers flare, when peace seems a never thing,
I'd slip inside and I'd abide where herald angels sing.
But since I have no great big house when Christmas goes away,
Then make my heart a Christmas heart that carols every day,
And let it be my Christmas where good will toward all shall stay.

Are our heart being prepared to be Christmas hearts?