Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Place to Start

This blog will be a spiritual journey of study and prayer and reading that can be shared with Christian friends who share the journey - hence Pilgrim's progress.

I just finished reading "The Shack." It is the touching story of a father whose youngest daughter was kidnapped and murdered. He returns to the shack where she was killed at the invitation of a note - signed Papa, his wife's name for God. I loved his encounter with the three persons of the Trinity in the form of a black motherly woman (father - would not have worked as he was abused by his), a middle eastern man named Jesus, and a beautiful rainbow wisp of wind that was the Spirit figure. They walk him through his grief with great love and wisdom. It is touching to read and feel the unconditional love of God through these three characters and the extent they go to help the daddy heal. It is so powerful to see the intimacy that God desires with each of us so vividly portrayed in the exchanges between the three and the dad. It made me feel like I had spent the evening with God being loved and cared for too. It had special moments of good food from Mama/Papa and laying back on the ground to gaze at the stars with Jesus and gardening with the Holy Spirit. Just intimate moments and unconditional love. Hearing them tell him that he is loved just for being, not for what he does - so touching to me. If only we could spend that much time with God. God saying he doesn't want to be first in our lives he wants to be in everything. So touching. He especially loves each of his children. Me too.